Sunday 22 June 2014

Welcome Home, Dear Daughter!

We are writing this blog as if for all our daughters, daughters-in-law and grand-daughters, current and future and all those who visit here to seek wisdom (sometimes) and encouragement (always) from wives and mothers who are walking further along the path.

If there are days when it feels to you that your role as wife, mother, keeper of the home, cooker of meals, wiper of noses and leader of little ones to God is like a daunting climb up a mountain, hang on! We are just a little further up the mountain than you and we can send down a rope ladder for you, or reach out and help pull you up.

I hope you enjoy visiting and that you will each feel encouraged in your day to day tasks.

'The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.' Proverbs 14 verse 1.

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