I love my home. It's nothing special and we really stretched ourselves to buy it. We can't afford to renovate it, but are gradually picking off jobs that need doing,one by one. This process has taken 10 years,so far.
Because so much of my home is in a state of disrepair, I found that the only way to keep loving my home was to have little corners of it, which make me happy.
When I am too tired to work and need to relax,or sit and think,or just read my Bible and pray, I have a little corner or other in most rooms where I can look and see something which I think it beautiful. I think it was William Morris who said, 'Have nothing in your home which you do not believe to be beautiful or know to be useful.'
Well, the old carpet in our bedroom was neither useful nor beautiful. Ugly and worn, it was becoming a trip hazard and had to go. Now we have mats on the floor and are camping out without a bedframe until we can afford to buy a new carpet. It could take another few months.
In the meantime, I delight in my calm, pretty corners.
When you are knee deep in nappies and toddlers, having one spot in the house which you believe to be beautiful can be really important for your peace of mind, Dear Daughter. It may be one uncluttered shelf, one picture on a painted wall, a vase of flowers on your kitchen windowsill.
Find somewhere. Make it your own. Soon, the peaceful corners could expand into whole rooms! You never know!
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