Thursday, 3 July 2014

Feast or Famine?

The chances are that, at least a couple of times a day, your family will expect meals. Every day! Unless you are sharing this responsibility with your husband and until your children are old enough to cook for themselves, this will, I'm afraid, be something you need to consider.

purple basil

Sometimes, I am full of ideas and enthusiasm about good foods and cooking and celebrating mealtimes with my family and, at other times, I go through weeks on end of culinary ennui, or extreme busy-ness, unable to think beyond whatever crisis I am dealing with at the time.

If you are careful, and frugal, during the times of energy and enthusiasm and use your freezer to capture your creative bursts, then you will be able to afford to splash out on frozen or ordered-in pizza (or whatever is your favourite quick food) occasionally, when you are too tired to cook. The one will balance out the other.

However, dear daughter, if you are so disorganised that you never seem to get ahead or you are feeling resentful about the amount of time you are expected to spend in the kitchen, well, that ways lies financial trouble and, possibly, poor nutrition for your growing children.

My advice is to invest in yourself. Buy a couple of good cookbooks that have stood the test of time and are built on concepts of Godly stewardship, like these two beauties.
Then, embracing your destiny, dedicate some time to developing your own versions of a few good freezable recipes, which you know your family will love, and stash them away, like money in the bank, to be withdrawn when they are needed.
Mimi is a wife to Jamie, mother to two grown up children, a mother-in-law and a grandmother to a darling little grand-daughter. She home-educated her children and now teaches exam subjects to groups of home-educated children. She's a Worship Leader in her church and has a passion for helping women raise children to adulthood with a strong faith in the Lord Jesus.

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